Laudato ‘Si Week 16 – 24 May 2020

Pope Francis has invited Catholics everywhere to participate in Laudato Si’ Week, 16-24 May. We’re uniting as a Catholic family to reflect, pray, and prepare for a more just and sustainable tomorrow.
When the first Earth Day was celebrated, the amazing gift of Laudato Si’ wasn’t yet with us. Now, with its clear and inspiring vision as our guide, we’re united by something much stronger than a movement: our faith.
Laudato Si’ teaches us that “everything is connected.” Join our brothers and sisters in faith for Laudato Si’ Week.
After you register, be sure to mark your calendar for these important dates:
• 16-23 May: Reflect and prepare through online trainings
• 24 May: Participate in a worldwide day of prayer to mark the fifth anniversary of Laudato Si’
As we celebrate the history of Earth Day this week, join us for the next transformative moment in history. Accept the invitation of Pope Francis and join Catholics around the world by participating in Laudato Si’ Week here.

Source The Global Catholic Climate Movement.


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