RENATE members in Ireland meet together- first Country Group meeting..

On Saturday, 13 July 2019, Eilis Coe, Irish representative to the RENATE Europe Working Board, convened the first formal meeting of RENATE members living in Ireland. Because many members are currently on summer holidays, it was a small – but dedicated !- group who met at Mary Aikenhead House in Donnybrook, Dublin.

They shared their experiences of RENATE and planned how they might go forward, as Irish members, to participate as fully as possible in the work and prayer and community of RENATE.

It was an enjoyable and valuable meeting where they considered the nature of their anti-human trafficking work in the areas of prevention, rescue, shelter, awareness-raising, lobbying and training.

They also discussed their experiences of RENATE and the opportunities for personal and professional growth through attending RENATE training and meetings.

Arising from the meeting, two proposals were raised;

  1. Possibility for APT to offer training to RENATE members, such as training on combating human trafficking in the hospitality sector? APT members at MECPATHS (Mercy Efforts for Child Protection Against Trafficking with the Hospitality Sector) has something unique and original to offer in this particular area and it would be worthwhile exploring the possibility of their sharing it with RENATE as a training event. The group considered the possibility of APT actually hosting the training in Ireland or alternatively, holding the training in another RENATE member-country, in collaboration with RENATE members in that specific country. In addition to Child Protection against Trafficking in the Hospitality sector, the group also gave some consideration to other areas in which APT Ireland could possibly offer training.
  2. Possibility to host a working lunch or dinner for Ambassadors to Ireland? The purpose of such a gathering would be to deepen and widen the network in Ireland and also to deepen and widen the connections throughout the Consulates Europe-wide.

With such ambitious plans for the future, the group decided to re-convene in the Autumn, with a view to progressing the proposals. Watch this space!


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