Aged 17, was given clothes and boots and a bag of condoms and told to do anything that clients wanted.
read morePlease note: Click on any of the titles below to see more details.
See a pdf of A Moment of Prayer Here (PDF, 3.3 MB, 4 pages)
Liliana’s Story: a Reflection on the Trafficking of Human Persons (PDF, 120 KB)
Based on the Stations of the Cross adapted by Chigwell Justice and Peace Centre, Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, www.sacredheartsjm.org This is an insiring reflection for Lent and Holy Week which can be viewed online. If you would like to download it in booklet format click here (PDF 170 KB).
Reflection: 2nd week of Advent
Introduction (all)
Lord Jesus, our Saviour and our Brother, we await your coming this Christmas to renew us and strengthen us with your life-giving grace. You were sent to bring light and hope into a darkened world. This week we will celebrate our winter solstice, the turning of the season of darkness into the new season of light. Our thoughts are with the millions of people whose lives are darkened by the crime of human trafficking. We bring them before you now, asking you to give them the promise of light and hope in their lives. Let them feel courage now, as we pray:
Side One: We think of women like Enya, who right now are being lured by lies into employment that they cannot imagine lies ahead of them.
Response by all: Jesus, Saviour, save them from making the wrong decision. (Pause)
Side Two: We think of women and children like Iris, who have been trafficked and are held prisoner, scared, drugged, forced to sell their bodies for the profit of their captors.
Response by all: Jesus, Saviour, come and give them hope today, set them free from fear, set them free from captivity, set them free from all slavery. Give them some sense of their self-worth for they are children for whom you have given your life. Give hope to their families who are sick with worry about them. (Pause)
Side One: We think of those criminal gangs who right now are plotting to capture innocent victims.
Response by all: Jesus, Saviour, you are coming into this darkened world. Enlighten these criminals who sit in darkness, inspire them and give them grace to straighten their crooked ways. (Pause)
Side Two: We have been called to devote one week from 14 January to intensive efforts to reduce the demand for purchased sex that fuels the profits from human trafficking.
Response by all: Give us new energy, new vision, a renewed commitment, so that we will not waste the precious time you have given us, so that we will listen to what you are asking of us, so that we will grasp glady and generously the opportunities you are offering to us. (Pause)
Closing Prayer (all) Lord, we know that to follow you more closely we must be converted. Help us to turn our attention more fully to the problem of trafficking that you have called us to end. Put into our hearts a burning zeal and a steady commitment so that we may respond with renewed energy to your call.
Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, as we prepare for the coming of your Son, we think of you in the final weeks of your pregnancy. We ask you to help all women who are struggling with their pregnancy, especially those who have been victims of rape. Give all pregnant mothers, and all our society, a deep commitment to the welfare of the unborn.
Luke Toole of Anamoe. friend to the unprotected, father to the orphan, whose door was ever open to the poor, bring to God our prayers for all those who need our protection from the crime of human trafficking today.
Glory to you, Source of all being, Eternal Word and Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, Amen.
Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus!
International Women’s Day is intended to be ”a day of global celebration for the economic, political and social achievements of women” but there is no room for complacency when so many women are trafficked and sexually exploited on a global scale. We pray for trafficked women and their traffickers. Click here to see the Prayer.
Sexuality and Justice – Paper by Suzanne Mulligan
(PDF, 57KB)
Sexuality and the Good of Human Relationships – Paper by Suzanne Mulligan
(PDF, 69KB)
A Spirituality of Sexual Intimacy – Paper by Donal Dorr
(PDF, 91KB)
A short piece on some Catholic Social Teaching that inspires action to prevent human trafficking (PDF, 78 KB). A paper first given by Sister-doctor Maura O’Donohue at the European Conference of the World Union of Catholic Women, (WUCWO) Verona, 2008.
Interfaith Cooperation against Human Trafficking (PDF, 117 KB):
Paper by Dr. Maura O’Donohue to Meeting of COATNET, Bucharest, 8 October 2009. It outlines reasons why people of all faiths have reasons to work together to counterat the problem of trafficking of millions of vulnerable people each year.
The following Training in Catholic Social Teaching by Donal Dorr, member of St Patrick’s Missionary Society, Theologian, active member of APT, and author of many books
A Spirituality of Human Rights – Powerpoint Presentation
(PPT, 652 KB)
A Spirituality of Human Rights – Microsoft Word Document
(.DOC, 38 KB)