What Can I Do?

- Keep yourself informed about this global problem
- Be aware that is is present in Ireland
- Talk about it among your friends and family and in your workplace
- Do whatever you can to raise awareness of this evil in our society
How do I keep up to date?
Follow APT on Facebook – we post the latest news about human trafficking and about what people are doing to try to combat it.
Click here to go to our Facebook page
Can I do more than that?
Yes, maybe you could form a small group of friends who would:
- Keep the issue alive among your political representatives and when appropriate take part in lobbying around legislation, safe housing and the way survivors of trafficking are treated;
- Watch out for properties that have been offered for rent, observe if there is any suspicious activity going on and if so report it in confidence to Crimestoppers at 1800 25 00 25 ;
- Be aware that a woman or child of foreign nationality may need help, or encouragement to go to the Gardaí;
- Pray for trafficked people;
- Be aware that the problem of trafficking is not a ‘women’s issue’ – try to get your menfolk to take it seriously, raising it at their place of work, in sports circles, etc;
- Discuss among your acquaintances ways of bringing about a cultural change that does not condone the demand for purchased sex;
- Address issues of human sexuality and relationships, including respect, boundaries etc.
- Not all victims of trafficking are poor – encourage older students to watch the movie Taken;
- Explore religious teachings that impinge on this problem;
- Visit www.blueblindfold.gov.ie and www.ruhama.ie
- Give your ideas to APT as to what more you think can be done
What APT can do for you:
APT members are available to talk to any group who would like information or encouragement.
APT has a range of resources to help individuals and groups to be informed about human trafficking
APT is a faith-based group of volunteers committed to raising awareness about human trafficking, lobbying and keeping in touch world-wide with others who are equally concerned about the issue.